Cheerleaders win first place at Bay State Division II Competition

Cheerleaders win first place at Bay State Division II Competition

By Bridget Sheppard Class of 2009

At every football game this year the Walpole Cheerleaders have been on the sidelines, encouraging the team and the crowd, but they have also been competing in tournaments, where their routines are the main event. They received fourth place at the Marlboro Invitational, and first at the Bay State Division II Competition, then their season culminated at the South Sectional Regionals Sunday, November 13. The team is led by three captains: Caroline Izzo, Lil Abley and Brooke Coleman, who have contributed greatly by “being good role models, good leaders and good examples for underclassmen,” said coach, Courtney Saulnier. The underclassmen who made Varsity are Crystal Parisek, Kaleigh Garvin, Erin Horgan, Katelyn Shea and Stephanie Habib. Katelyn Shea, who never cheered before this year, has “made vast improvements this year,” said Captain Brooke Coleman. Saulnier expects to gain “many extremely talented freshmen,” next year, too, who will be essential after the loss of five seniors next year. “The team next year will have high expectations because of their accomplishments this year” said the coach, especially after “hitting two flawless routines in two consecutive competitions.” Their toughest competitor this year is Needham, who earlier beat Walpole by two and a half points. Next season the team is “hoping to do just as well, and hopefully the cheer will get better and better,” said Coleman. The areas that will be worked on are their current weaknesses: dance and enthusiasm. Their strongest points have been stunting and tumbling, and another key factor that the team possesses is good chemistry because “the team has really come together this year as friends inside and outside of the gym,” the coach said. Cooperation is essential in all sports, especially cheerleading because the teammates have to trust each other and work together in all parts of their routine. Their competition is coming up, and the team hopes to do well, because this is their most important competition all year, however they have already reached their goals. The team has excelled in all of its competitions this year, but more importantly they have excelled in becoming a team, and that will lead them to more success than anything else.